Due to a lot of pollution out in the environment nowadays skin problems are the most common issues. Usually oily skins are more prone to Acne because they catch on pollution or dust easily but dry or mixed skins are also not really safe.In order to get to know about the best makeup removers for acne prone skin first let’s get to know how many types of skins there are.
Table of Contents
What are the 7 types of skins?
- Normal Skin
- Oily Skin
- Dry or Dehydrated Skin
- Combination Skin
- Acne-prone Skin
- Sensitive Skin
- Mature Skin
The address that will be issued in this article is mainly focused on best makeup removers for acne prone skin.
Here, two lists of makeup removers will be provided. One will be the five best brands and the next will be five natural cleansers. Help yourself and figure out what is the best makeup remover for your acne prone skin.
Best Brands of makeup remover for Acne Prone Skin
1. Faces Canada Hydro Makeup Remover
Price: 321 INR
It is a water based formula, very gentle on the skin, oil free, enriched with antioxidants. This product removes the make up quickly and helps the skin to get a smooth glowing texture. It does not irritate the skin and is absolutely suitable for sensitive skin; thus can be said as the Best makeup removers for acne prone skin.

2. Bioderma Sebium H2O Purifying Micellar Cleansing Water and Makeup Removing Solution
Price: 349 INR
This brand has come up with a solution that consists of purifying agents like zinc gluconate and copper sulphate that helps the sebum production on face. It is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic. This product is highly recommended for oily, combination and acne prone skin. It is also known as best makeup removers for acne prone skin to some.

3. Colorbar Cosmetics Xpert Micellar Bi-Phase Makeup Remover Combo
Price: 299 INR
It deep cleanses the skin pores and brings out the oil dirts and impurities. It removes the most stubborn makeups without irritating the skin because of its non-irritant properties. This product is highly recommended by dermatologists. It is suggested as the best make up remover for acne prone skin by many users.

4. Maybelline New York Bi-phase Makeup Remover
Price: 150 INR
Best suited for oily and sensitive skin. This makeup remover is verygentle on your skin removes makeup within seconds. Absolutely suitable for acne prone skin. This is one of the best makeup removers for acne prone skin which is affordable too.

5. Stay Quirky Take it off me Micellar Water
Price: 195 INR
Purplle is the new makeup brand with amazing products. We all know them for their hair colours but what we do not know is that Purplle has got other products too, like stay quirky take it off me micellar water. It is made exclusively for sensitive skin. This product is paraben free, Sulphate free, alcohol free, toxin free, formaldehyde free. It is pretty gentle on your skin and does not leave make-up spots behind; making it definitely, the best makeup removers for acne prone skin.

Natural Makeup Remover for Acne pro skin
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is the best natural makeup remover for any type of skin. The gel from the tree leaves is effective for so many purposes. Because of its slimy consistency it helps to remove waterproof makeup as well. It is also very gentle on skin and does not leave the skin with an oily texture. Perfect for all skin types, especially suggested as one of the best makeup removers for oily or acne pro skin.

2. Rose water solution
Rose water solution is easy to make and is a good makeup remover for oily or acne prone skin. Take 10 fresh roses and separate the petals from the stems and boil them in 3 cups of water for 11 to 13 minutes, After the water changes its colour into a slightly darker yellowish shade. Then take a cotton cloth and strain the water, add a little turmeric if you want to. Let it cool down, then pour it in a bottle and use it on cotton swabs for best results.

3. Olive oil
Among the oil section olive oil is the best solution as a makeup remover for oily or acne pro skin. For oily skin, usually water based solution is suggested more. But olive oil works great for acne pro or combination skin.

4. Witch Hazel
It is a healing ingredient used in medicine for many years. Today, it is heavily used in cosmetics for tightening the skin and relieving acne symptoms. Unlike olive oil, witch hazel is a thin and watery ingredient that has the potential to treat many skin conditions. According to anecdotal evidence, witch hazel removes all water based and oil based makeup in a swipe. Witch hazel is a blessing for people suffering from oily skin. It doesn’t leave a greasy after touch, and yet it still very effectively removes makeup and makes the skin soft. It also tightens the pores and helps prevent frequent acne breakouts.

5. Witch hazel and Aloe Vera
The best solution for acne pro skin is mixing Aloe Vera and witch Hazel together and create a solution according to the suitable consistency that suits your skin. It does not leave an oily residue yet it also does not leave the skin too dry. Aloe Vera prevents the skin from the negative effects of makeup and prevents acne development.

All these solutions given above are the safest solutions and best makeup removers for acne prone skin. But it is also important to realise that only a makeup remover is not enough for a perfectly healthy skin. Lot of other skin care routines should be done as well. All the steps together give you a perfectly healthy outcome.