The white or black pimples that appear on the skin are termed as acne. It commonly appears on the face, back, shoulders, and chest. People of all ages are affected by this skin condition, but it is common in teenagers.
The basic principle that causes acne is the hair follicles that get clogged due to excess oil and dead skin cells. These follicles are termed as comedo. When these comedones get clogged, a back or white lump is formed in the skin. Comedones that are clogged and open on the skin surface, form black lumps. Whereas the comedones that are clogged and closed forms white lumps.
Some other types of acne are:
Papules: When comedones become inflamed, small red or pink bumps are formed. When you try to tease them by squeezing or scratching, it gets worse, leading to scars.
Pustules: Inflamed comedones that form white bumps filled with white or yellow pus, and are accompanied by red rings. This type of acne also shouldn’t be teased as it leads to scar formation.
Nodules: These are large bumps under the skin, which is often painful and soft when you touch them.
Cysts: These are lesions filled with pus. They often look like boils and are painful like bumps.
Nodules and cysts are considered as a severe form of acne.
Mild acne: Acne in the form of white bumps appearing less than twenty numbers, inflamed ones appearing less than fifteen numbers, and in case of lesions less than thirty numbers, come under the mild category.
Moderate acne: Acne in the form of black and white bumps between twenty to hundred, inflamed bumps formed between fifteen to fifty, and lesions between thirty to one hundred and twenty-five numbers, come under the moderate category acne.
Severe acne: Acne with multiple numbers of cysts and nodules come under the severe category. Sometimes they change their color to purple, leading to scars.
Acne Conglobata: A severe form of acne where nodules under the skin are interconnected to each other. It affects the back, neck, buttocks, chest, and arms. It imparts scars. People who take steroids are more prone to this type of acne. It is common in men.
Some main factors that cause acne are:
- Excess production of oil
- Clogged hair follicles of the skin by dead cells and oil
- Bacteria
- Excess activity of androgens hormone
Home remedies
There are various home remedies to cure acne, that includes a change in your diet, using herbal supplements, and certain essential oils. Let’s look at them one by one.
Diets to ingest
Manuka honey
This honey is prepared by the bees which feed only on manuka trees and plants. It is known for its healing properties that heal acne fast. Some people have seen the results after its application overnight. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is also microbial that fights off the bacteria that causes acne. You can apply it to your skin for 20 to 30 minutes or even hours before washing it off. The more time you apply and leave it on your skin, the better the results you get.
It consists of allicin, which has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties. These properties help in killing the bacteria that cause acne. It also strengthens your immune system, which helps in clearing off the clogged skin pores. Include it in your daily diet, as it gets mixed with foods easily, not making much difference to its taste.
Herbals for acne
Green tea
It consists of powerful antioxidants called catechins, which help in protecting your skin against oxidative damage. It is also an anti-inflammatory agent that soothes red spots. It tones your skin by refining the pores, eliminating excess dirt, and hydrating it.
Witch hazel
It has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in getting rid of the inflammation of the skin. It contains astringent, namely tannins. Tannins help in shrinking the inflamed pores and reducing the secretion of excess oils. It also hydrates your skin. You can pour some drops of witch hazel into the cotton balls and apply it to your skin.
Essential oils for acne
Tea Tree Oil
It is beneficial for oily as well as acne-prone skins. It has antibacterial properties that help in getting rid of the bacteria that cause acne. It also removes the dirt and excess oils from the skin, protecting it from oxidative stress. One shouldn’t apply it directly to the skin. Mix three to four drops of tea tree oil in a cup half-filled water. Soak this mix in the cotton balls and apply it on the face. Keep it for 20 to 30 minutes then wash it. After that, apply moisturizer.
Neem oil
Neem oil for acne can be used by mixing it with coconut oil. Warm one teaspoon of coconut oil then add two teaspoons of neem oil. After that, add two teaspoons of coconut oil and then mix it. Take the mix in your fingers and rub them for warming it up and then apply it to the skin. Massage it with your fingers in an upper circular motion. Leave it for one hour or overnight, then wash it off with mild face wash.
Neem oil has antioxidants, vitamin E, and fatty acids that help in getting rid of mild and severe acne conditions