The modeling industry has long perpetuated the myth that supermodel looks are a genetic lottery – something you’re either born with or aren’t.
But after a decade of studying facial structures and body development, I’ve uncovered something revolutionary: nearly everyone has the potential to develop model-like features. The secret lies not in your genes, but in the biomechanics of your facial and skeletal structure.
Think of Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner, or any top model. While they’re undeniably stunning, their beauty follows consistent patterns: defined cheekbones, symmetrical features, balanced proportions.
These aren’t random genetic gifts – they’re the result of optimal skeletal and facial development. When your skull, jaw, and spine align properly, your natural beauty emerges.
Historical photos from the early 1900s show that this kind of striking bone structure used to be far more common. People naturally developed wider dental arches, stronger jawlines, and more symmetrical features. Today’s beauty “rarities” were yesterday’s norm. The difference wasn’t genetics – it was development.
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The Biomechanical Blueprint of Beauty
These days very few people develop correctly in my view. People say it is genetics but I don’t buy it.
I think it is mis-development.
And not because of the environment or anything. Rather I think mothers with compensated bodies damage their babies before and during the birthing process.
This is what I gathered from a well known American osteopath named Jim Jecmen some years ago. And he had worked on newborns for several decades.
Also calling it genetics just doesn’t make sense if you understand a thing or two about evolution.
Evolution is essentially the combination of mutation + natural selection.
When I look at pictures of Americans 100 years ago i’d estimate that 95%+ of them were relatively skinny and healthy looking. Now i’d estimate that 70%+ are overweight.
I think we can all agree that being overweight is likely not an advantage to reproduction. And therefore if it were genetic then we would see people getting better looking the past 100 years rather than worse. Because of natural selection.
So we can rule out genetics in my view.
Then the next popular view would be that it is environment and that our habits have changed the way we look. For example it is because we eat McDonald’s and sit in front of screens too much.
But then why is it that some of the most beautiful people i know eat plenty of garbage and spend as much time in front of their screens as everyone else?
Something is missing.
There is some physics to the skull
The missing piece is biomechanics. There is essentially some physics to how the skull and skeleton work.
And based on these physics they can either ‘inflate’ and become more beautiful or they can deflate and you will get more asymmetric and age.
The founder of Reviv, Ken Leaver, essentially figured out these physics while iterating on them over a 10 year period. And he was basically forced to learn about them when a dentist drilled his back teeth flat and it ‘deflated’ his skull and skeleton.
His body and face changed as if they’d aged 10 years in a span of a couple months. He also got thrown into a thick brain fog that made it impossible to hold down his job.
He went on a crusade to figure it out and eventually he did.
What he learned was that the way the upper and lower teeth come together is very important and that they go up in the back like a Nike Swoosh as you see in the pic above. Dentists call this a ‘curve of spee’.
And that if you flatten it you essentially accelerate the aging process and get uglier. Whereas if you improve the curve you get better looking.
Crazy right!
A mouthguard that makes you better looking
Over a period of years Ken experimented with what improves this ‘curve of spee’ and what flattens it.
For example doing braces, invisalign and extractions will almost always flatten it making the person more asymmetric and essentially ‘aging’ them.
Whereas if you wear a special type of mouthguard it stretches out the soft tissue of the skull such that the curve improves and you get better looking and essentially ‘anti-age’.
This led him to founding the company Reviv.
For just $100 you get the RevivOne appliance, access to our Skool community, 60+ videos on how this works and personalized support from Ken for the period of a year.
The results our community members report go far beyond aesthetics. Yes, they see improvements in facial symmetry and definition, but they also experience better sleep, improved breathing, reduced tension, and increased confidence.
These aren’t temporary fixes – they’re lasting changes that come from working with your body’s natural tendencies. The process works because it addresses the root cause of facial and body development. Instead of forcing artificial changes, Reviv helps optimize the natural forces that shape our features.
What’s more is that Reviv doesn’t ask you to make any leap of faith. It literally guarantees your results. If within 90 days you feel that the Reviv is not contributing meaningfully towards your goals, you let them know and they refund you. No questions asked.
Closing Thoughts
The idea that model-like beauty is achievable for most people might sound too good to be true, but it’s grounded in solid biomechanical principles.
We’re not promising overnight transformations or miracle cures. What we offer is a science-based approach to optimizing your natural structure and revealing your inherent beauty potential.
For less than the cost of a premium facial, you can start your journey toward structural optimization. Visit to join our community and discover what your body is capable of achieving when you work with its natural biomechanics, not against them.
The future of beauty isn’t inexpensive procedures or temporary fixes – it’s in understanding and optimizing your body’s natural development. Your journey to revealing your true structural potential starts here, with Reviv.
Join the hundreds who are already discovering their hidden beauty through the power of biomechanics.