Smart ways to make multiple uses of your cheap make-up items and save money

Image result for Smart ways to make multiple uses of your cheap make-up items and save money

Buying make-up does not necessarily mean you have to shell out thousands of rupeesto look pretty and breathtakingly beautiful. Once you know what to pick and what to drop from your wish list, half your job is done. Also, mixing and matching is an art not everyone knows how to master. In this article, we are discussing various ways of saving money on make-up without compromising on your glam quotient.
Instead of going on a shopping spree and buying all the fancy (and at times redundant) products that are available at your disposal, skim through this list of make-up must haves that will render a complete glam look and all of them come at a very cheap price, too.

Liquid eyeliners in bottle form

Image result for Liquid eyeliners in bottle form

Yes, you have heard great things about sketch pen eyeliners, but they are very expensive and give the same result as liquid eyeliners in plain-looking bottles. True that liquid liners take longer to dry, but who cares when you can buy them for anywhere between 80 to 150 rupees and get the same desired results.

Use your blush as contouring kit/highlighter/illuminator

Image result for Use your blush as contouring kit/highlighter/illuminator

Anyone who says you need three different kits for illuminating, highlighting or even contouring has clearly never done cosmetics shopping on a budget. Buy blushes in golden and peach hues, with a little bit of shimmery effect, and you can use that for illuminating your skin (by mixing a bit of it to your foundation). Now, use that same blush for highlighting your cheekbones with the right strokes in the right places and a different make-up brush, of course. As for contouring, trust us when we say that you can accentuate your nose, hide your facial fat and double chin with blushes, too. Like we said before, just use the right brush! And, all this for anything between `200 to `350 (scout online and look closely, wisely!

Reasonably priced lipsticks that can give you a glossy effect

Image result for Reasonably priced lipsticks that can give you a glossy effect

Lip glosses look amazing, especially when you wear the super expensive ones. But you can attain that with a simple `150 to `200 lipstick, too. All you need to do is apply two coats of lip colour in your favourite shade and apply a thin coat of lip balm on top. It’s glossy, it’s hot and it’s oh-so-cheap!

Glitters for your eyelids

Image result for Glitters for your eyelids

Want to add that shimmery effect to your eyeshadow? Instead of buying two separate palates —matte and shimmery or daily wear andparty wear — how about you go for a single purchase and buy glitters from a regular stationary store and add them to your eyeshadow? That way, you manage to up the level of your (eye) hotness and do not have to burn a huge hole in your pocket either.

Lotions meant for head to toe

Moisturising is an integral part of your pre-make-up routine and hence, we tend to spend hefty amounts on them as we feel only international brands can give us silky smooth skin. Wrong, go to a chemist shop and buy any drugstore moisturising lotion that is meant for both your face and body. That way, your skin gets the much-needed food before harsh chemical-induced products take over. On e-commerce portals, you will find many such items that serve dual purposes and come at a very affordable price (ranging between 150-200 rupees).

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