How to Determine if you Need to Visit a Dentist or Orthodontist

When you think of a dentist are you actually thinking of an orthodontist and vice versa? Many people are unable to identify the difference between the two and often make the mistake of scheduling an appointment with the wrong person. In this article, we are going to help you decide which one you will need for your next appointment. We will also be discussing what services a dentist and an orthodontist provides so you are prepared. 

What is an Orthodontist?

An orthodontist has more education and schooling than a dentist. This makes them more qualified. However, keep in mind that an orthodontist is still apart of dentistry. An orthodontist specializes in non-surgical procedures to help their patients. 

Orthodontists are known for dealing with problems that occur from misalignment. This could mean people who are experiencing speech problems, difficulty with oral hygiene, and difficulties chewing due to their misalignment. They are also dealing with an underbite, overbite, and bad bite. An orthodontist is seen most often for overcrowding as well. This is when the jaw is too small for new teeth to grow in properly without causing issues for the rest of the mouth. 

What is a Dentist?

A dentist is someone who specializes in oral health. A dentist has a wide array of responsibilities that includes diagnosing many different types of oral diseases. If you do not have an oral disease, they work with you to help keep your oral hygiene up-to-par and help prevent any diseases. Dentists work with their patient to make plans for treatment to restore oral health. 

Dentists are also responsible for watching those who are administering anesthetics and taking x-rays. It is their job to determine test results and make sure the patient is safe. Lastly, dentists are responsible for any type of procedure done on the oral cavity of a patient. 

Do You Need a Dentist or Orthodontist?

If you have an oral issue, a dentist will help you diagnose and treat it. Dentists are also responsible for routine care such as check-ups, cleanings, and x-rays. However, dentists are used for much more than routine care. A dentist is also there to help with procedures that include root canals, crowns, gum care, teeth whitening, and many other oral surgeries. 

An orthodontist will help align teeth and the jaw without using any type of surgical procedure. They use other means to help fix the problem. An orthodontist will help identify if you need braces, wires, retainers, Invisalign, or other corrective measures to fix your misalignment problem. Most people visit the orthodontist for corrective measures and help with straightening their teeth. 

Where Do I Start?

Before you freak out because you do not know where an orthodontist or dentist is at, keep in mind that one place usually has both. This helps make your life easier when locating a doctor. Keep in mind that most patients are referred to an orthodontist from a dentist because they end up in the wrong area. This is very common so don’t worry if you have or will make the same mistake. For the best orthodontist Denver, make sure that you take a look at the website attached.