Why Is My Period Blood Brown During My Menstrual Cycle?

Why Is My Period Blood Brown During My Menstrual Cycle?

Periods are the most natural thing female adolescents face, but the process can be daunting. For any person who menstruates, they must know everything from before to cut down on initial shock and fear. In a situation where you wonder why is my period blood brown, you should not panic, but have all the answers.

While periods are regular and happen to people with a uterus, a stigma surrounds them. Periods are something that more people should feel free to talk about.

It is still a hushed topic in many circles. Teenagers are often made to feel uncomfortable due to this natural body process. People especially make young girls feel unsure and insecure about their bodies.

But if you want to know the answer to ‘why is my period blood brown,’ that is okay. You don’t need to worry too much.

Some different stages and colors are associated with periods. Some steps are more comfortable to go through, while others are manageable.

What are periods?

Periods or menstruation is when people with vaginas bleed for a period of 3-5 days on average. The duration of bleeding can range widely. It is primarily different for different people.

People can bleed for three days or even five days. The flow of bleeding is different as well. Sometimes the flow can be heavy from the get-go or gradually increase. Mainly around the end of the cycle, the flow is less.

It happens to people with a uterus at an interval of 28 days. But this estimate can vary between 21 to 40 days cycle as well.

Exercise to get periods immediately

What exactly happens?

‘Why is my period blood brown’ is a common question. Other questions about periods are typical as well.

Usually, when young people approach or hit puberty, definitive changes occur. These changes happen in the body. There are hormonal changes, muscle changes, and growth.

These changes happen to signal that your body is gradually developing. The type of changes that puberty brings about depends on lots of factors. Not all of them rely solely on sex, gender, or physiology.

But puberty is markedly different in designated male and female bodies. In girls, it is the onset of menstruation. Other changes are occurring in the body as well.

Menstruation is a cyclical process. This means that it appears regularly every month. During menstruation, the uterus sheds its lining. It is a regular aspect of the reproductive system.

The menstrual blood that discharges every month contains the uterus lining. Menstruation commences with changes in hormones. Glands like the Pituitary gland and ovaries dictate the release of these hormones.

There are many phases to menstruation. The chief stages are the menses, the follicular, the ovulation, and the luteal phases.

People begin menstruating at 12 years. But the onset is different for different people. For some, it is earlier, starting as early as 10. While for some, it is later, like 13-16 years.

Periods are generally painful and mood-altering. Despite this, it is a natural bodily process of the reproductive system.

Check out some common terms growing teens should know about periods:


This is the starting phase of the cycle. Here, if the person has not conceived, uterus shedding happens. During this phase, you will bleed for 3-5 days. This time frame is entirely standard and differs from person to person.


This starts on day six and lasts about day fourteenth. The endometrium, which is the uterus lining, thickens. This is because of high estrogen levels.

Due to another hormone, the follicles in the ovaries grow. Between day tenth and the fourteenth, either or both of your ovaries will produce an egg called the ovum.


It starts from day fourteenth and lasts till day 21 or day 28. The ovaries release the ovum and travel through the fallopian tubes to the uterus.


Progesterone is another hormone that helps the lining of the uterus to thicken. If pregnancy happens, the sperm fertilizes the ovum.

The ovum then attaches to the uterus lining. The womb sheds the lining along with the ovum if pregnancy doesn’t occur. This happens between the fifteenth day to the end of the cycle.

Why is my period blood brown

The color of your period blood depends on the time of the day to the advancement of your period. Usually, red, pink, and brown blood is normal.

‘Why is my period blood brown’ is a common question for little girls who thought it’s always red!

So, why is my period blood brown? It is because it is older blood due to slow flow.

There is nothing concerning about that. People usually panic when they see any changes in the color or thickness of the blood. While it is essential to have a medical consultation, the brown period color is not strange.

If you ask – why is my period blood brown? It is because the blood is not fresh since the flow is gradual. So, by the time the blood is discharged, it is darkened. If your blood is red, then it is more recent.

You usually see it at the beginning of the cycle. Pink blood is generally expected at the end of the process. It means that menstruation is near the end. Bright blood also indicates that cramps are going to be intense. The pink blood is blood and mucus mixed.

Whenever you see brown on your pad or tampons, remember, it is because the blood is slow to discharge.

Why Is My Period Blood Brown During My Menstrual Cycle?

Being concerned over periods is normal. There needs to be more information readily given on periods for young people. Seeing slight changes in the color may interest you.

Brown period blood is normal. It just means that the blood is old.

It is not as fresh as red blood. The brown period is often seen after the second or on the second day. For some, the blood might be brown at the very start.

This means that the flow is slow. And it takes time for the blood to come out after it is released from the uterus.

Why is my period blood brown on the first day?

Wondering why is my period blood brown on the first day? Well, there could be many reasons. Your flow is slower than usual.

That makes the blood flow delayed. So, the blood you see on the first day is brown. It could also be painful due to cramps. The brown coloration of the blood means the uterine blood is old.

Delayed discharge of the uterine line can make it brown. That is why the blood is brown. It gets delayed due to many reasons. It is normal if you’re wondering, ‘why is my period blood brown on the first day.’

Fresh blood means faster flow, and that is red. Brown blood means slower flow. There are other associated meanings to coloration.

The brown color can mean spotting or the start of the menstruation cycle. If the condition persists, it is wise to consult with a doctor.

Why is my period blood dark brown

It can be because of delayed discharge of the uterine line. But be aware of smelling something foul, or if there is unusual pain or excessive blood clots. In such cases, it is best to check with a medical professional.

A dark brown period can suggest PCOS. But it is always better to see a doctor before jumping to conclusions.

Why is my period blood brown on the last day

It is because the flow is less, and most of the uterine lining has been shed. Now only the remaining will be discharged.

That can be a slow process. That is why your period blood is brown on the last day.

Period and Pregnancy

Questions like ‘why is my period blood brown’ or ‘why am I spotting’ or ‘why is my period dark brown’ are also common during pregnancy. When you’re pregnant, periods can seem alarming.

Sometimes, pink blood or spotting can be indicative of pregnancy. These symptoms are not universal in pregnant people.

Some may experience it, while some do not. Brown period blood during pregnancy can mean fertilization. When the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, it may cause some bleeding.

Since the bleeding is minimal, it may take some time. That is why it appears as spotting. When that happens, it means you have entered the pregnancy stage.

Sometimes, darker brown, black, or greyish blood during pregnancy can indicate a miscarriage. Darker blood during or before pregnancy can also suggest internal infection or sexually transmitted diseases.

Darker blood is not always a cause of concern. But a doctor’s visit is necessary if the bleeding is frequent and causes unusual pain or odor.

Other Reasons

Why is my period blood brown have other answers as well. Pregnancy is a cause, but other reasons include hormonal changes, emotional distress, and stress.

Post-partum, sexually transmitted diseases and uterine-related medical conditions can also cause brown bleeding.

When is a good time to visit the doctor?

You should visit the doctor if you experience vaginal pain, frequent cramps outside of periods, or if your periods last longer than a week.

Persisting dizziness and if you didn’t have periods for more than three months. All these things are reasons that you should visit a doctor. Taking menstruation and personal care is of utmost importance.

There needs to be more understanding. So before taking any uniform step, continually educate yourself. Seeking professional and medical help are not shameful. It is beneficial and can save you unnecessary pain.

Why Is My Period Blood Brown During My Menstrual Cycle?

Period Education

Period education is sorely lacking on many fundamental levels. People have been shamed away from talking about their bodies and how they function. This is why people are more prone to harming themselves unintentionally.

Knowing about your body and how it works is how you know rights about your body. The more you explore and discover, the more you understand yourself and others. But doing so safely and reasonably is essential.

There is a lack of proper period education in schools. No infrastructure supports adequate sex education in many places. This leads to misinformation, the propagation of stereotypes, and harmful practices.

Educating yourself and others about menstruation is empowering. It is essential to realize that the stigma around menstruation is harmful.

It has to deal with religious and cultural taboos in medically supported discussions. Schools and colleges must take that step to breach uncomfortable topics.

You can only develop holistically once you teach people that it is okay to talk about the body.

Final Thoughts

People encourage each other to be more open about their bodies. Sharing your experiences and talking about periods is how you confront taboos.

There is nothing unholy or wrong about your body going through menstruation. It is grossly misleading to assume a child attains full maturity at the onset of their periods.

There are still some things that you need to unlearn about periods. You can do that when you ask more questions.