How to Reduce Hair Fall by Making Changes in Hair Care Routine

How to Reduce Hair Fall by Making Changes in Hair Care Routine

Are you looking for a post that tells you how to reduce hair fall? Well, then you are surely reading the space! To stop hair loss and regrow hair naturally is not an easier task to accomplish. You need to meticulously follow certain procedures and make the necessary changes in your life. And we are here with the key to the secret of keeping your hair at its all-time best. So, let’s quickly dive into the secret of how to reduce hair fall and provide your tresses with the perfect nourishment it requires.

How to Reduce Hair Fall?

Here we have curated the best list that tells you the perfect way your hair will reduce from falling. Follow each bulletin to get perfectly thicker, shinier, and healthy hair.

The ways to reduce hair fall are as follows:

Massage Your Scalp with Oil

Try your hands on some excellent oil to stop hair fall immediately at home. Some of the oils you can try using are castor oil, argan oil, peppermint oil, and of course, coconut oil. You can always go ahead and heat your preferred oil if you want a perfect massaging session for yourself. By doing this, the oils enter deep into your hair follicles and revive it. Moreover, it also makes the root of your hair strong.

When you start massaging your hair, make sure you do it gently and in circular motions. Your entire massaging session must be done for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Also, make sure you do this process at a minimum of two times in one week.

Use Hair Mask with Natural Ingredients

There is nothing more rejuvenating for your hair than using a hair mask using natural ingredients. It will be chemical-free and is the perfect protein treatment for hair fall and regrowth. All these DIY masks are great and can be tried at least once or twice in one week.

Below are some of the best DIY hair masks using natural ingredients:

Egg and Green Tea Hair Mask

You already know that green tea is great for your health. But did you know that can be a suitable ingredient for your hair mask? Well, yes! Green tea possesses a compound called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or in short EGCG, that is one outstanding hair growth stimulator. And the second ingredient is egg, another protein-packed food. So, to make this hair mask, you need about 3 tablespoons of green tea, freshly made, and two egg yolks. Whip it really well, and your DIY hair mask is ready!

Onion Filled Hair Mask

Nutrients such as vitamin C, E and B, magnesium, carotene, folic acid, potassium, zinc, and phosphorus are present in onion. The juice you get out of onion acts as one of the best tonics to reduce hair fall and increase hair growth. All you need to do is grate out the onion completely and take out the juice from it. Then use a cotton pad or cotton ball and apply the juice on your scalp and hair too. You need to leave it on for around thirty minutes and then wash your hair off.

Aloe Vera Gel Hair Mask

Aloe vera gel is wonderful when it comes to hydration. And if your hair is thirsty for some nutrients, then aloe vera gel will surely do the work for you. It can nourish your hair roots well and then soften the hair shaft too. You can scoop out the aloe vera gel and add two tablespoons of coconut oil in it. Remember to mix it well and then apply it just like you apply oil. Leave the hair mask on for about 20 minutes and then wash using tap water.

Don’t Use Harsh Chemical-based Shampoo

It would help if you chose your shampoo well. Choosing the perfect shampoo that suits your hair can be a real challenge. But if you use the tip of using a medicated or herbal shampoo, you can never go wrong with it. You can easily keep away from the extra oil your hair follicles produce and shun dandruff issues.

Another critical factor to keep in mind while shampooing is that your fingertips should do the massaging for well. Start by letting your fingers move in circular motions before you start scrunching your hair strands. You should shampoo your hair at least two times a week to avoid any dirt settling down on your hair. That’s because it can be one of the major causes of hair fall.

Always Use a Conditioner

Just as you need to choose your shampoo well, your conditioner should also be chosen correctly. And you cannot miss out on this. That’s because a conditioner provides your hair with the right amount of moisture and nourishment. But remember to apply it only on the strands of your hair and not your scalp.

Always Dry the Hair Gently

People usually miss out on this point. Choosing a soft towel and drying your hair properly is not an easy task to perform. Moreover, you may find a few people drying their hair roughly and rub all the hair shaft vigorously. So, you must avoid doing that.

First, you need to wrap the towel gently on your hair. Let the towel soak in all the water your hair contains. Then, you need to move your hair in a scrunching manner and dry your hair gently. That’s how you will neither damage your hair shafts or your hair roots. On certain days when you are in a hurry, you may use a blow-dryer. But it’s always best to avoid using it as much as possible.

Use the Right Comb

Indeed, you know well enough that to prevent hair fall for female naturally, you have to keep your hair tangle-free. And to ensure that you do that without harming your hair roots, you need to use the right comb. Try using a wide-toothed comb to keep your hair away from getting tangles.

Another significant factor you need to keep in mind is what the comb made of? That’s because if you use a plastic comb, you will create static electricity, which is very bad for your hair. So, it would help if you bought a wooden comb. Remember that combing your hair when it is wet is not the right thing you should do. Try combing your hair when it is dry and do it gently to avoid hair breakage.

Try out a Home Hair spa.

Aren’t you looking for the best ways to reduce hair fall? Well, then why not try out a cost-friendly hair spa at your house. It is absolutely easy to do and very good for your hair too. You can also try this home spa to prevent hair loss for teenage girls, who must not be exposed to any chemical treatment done in salons. Here are the following steps you need to follow to try out your hair spa at home:

Step 1: You need to shampoo your hair using a mild herbal or medicated shampoo.

Step 2: Then, you can apply a hair mask that says deep conditioning. And if you do not have a hair mask used for conditioning, try using a homemade deep condition hair mask.

Step 3: Finally, you need to put in some steam on your hair. If you do not have a steamer at home, you can easily use a towel to do this for your hair. Dip the towel in hot water, and the excess water must the squeezed out. Then wrap the hot towel around your hair and leave it on for a while.

Step 4: Lastly, you need to wash your hair and use a towel to dry it. Avoid using a blow-dryer.

Step 5: Use a serum or a very light oil to give that sheen.

When you try out a hair spa at your house, it can help your hair roots immensely. It can make your blood circulation better and help your hair grow strong. Moreover, a hair spa also removes the impurities your hair follicles possess.

Regular Hair Trimming

If you want to stop hair fall and naturally regrow hair, then one of the most effective ways is to trim your hair regularly. That’s because when your hair turns dry, gets split ends, and becomes brittle; you’re sure to get hair fall. So, make it a point that you visit the salon every 2-4 months to get trimming done. It will make your hair quite healthy and strong too. But remember, you need to shampoo your hair before trimming it. And give your hair a final touch using a hair serum or light-based oil.

Keep Away from Styling

Do you often imitate your favorite stars when they try out a new hairstyle? Well, doesn’t that involve high-heat hair treatment? If yes, then that can be a major cause for you to have hair fall.

When you do a permanent straightening, perming, bleaching, or hair dye, your hair roots become weak and brittle. Consequently leading your hair follicles to become lose and hence, hair loss.

So, why not try out the DIY hair tutorials to style your hair? You can go online and find several videos to teach you how to do it. Moreover, if you love coloring, try out the ammonia-free hair dyes. Use the ones that say organic, or else try out the beetroot juice to color your hair. It is a natural product that will not hair your hair in anyway.

Consume Omega-3, Protein, and Vitamin C Rich Foods

You are now well aware of how you need the care of your health externally. But it’s also important that you provide your body with the correct nutrients. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin C are good for your hair. You can consume fishes like tuna, salmon, sardine, and mackerel to get omega-3. For good vitamins and proteins, try including a lot of veggies and fruits to your diet. Nothing can compensate for the effect of vitamin-rich foods. If you are allergic to any product, you can try out any nutrient supplements you are deficit off. But keep your doctor informed when consuming supplements.

Remain Hydrated

Are you someone who drinks less water? Well, then you may have frizzy, dry, and weak hair. That’s because if you remain dehydrated, your body will lack moisture that leads to hair loss.

Water is the one that lubricates the follicles of your hair and helps in circulating minerals and vitamins that your hair needs. So, you must regularly drink around 3 liters of water to keep yourself hydrated and reduce hair fall and ensure regrowth.

Make Lifestyle Changes

It would help if you made some lifestyle changes to ensure you get healthy and strong hair. Try incorporating yoga, gym exercises, and a balanced diet to make your tresses shiny and soft. Moreover, it would help if you avoided smoking and too much alcohol consumption to avoid accumulating your body’s toxic materials.

Also, smoking and alcohol consumption make your immune system very weak and consequently make your hair weak. You need to destress your body to avoid hair loss too. That’s because stress can even lead to hair loss problems.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your hair strong and healthy is not an easy task to perform. Apart from the numerous hair treatments, you need to ensure you make the necessary tweaks in your diet. By making a few simple changes and inclusions in your diet, you can be sure to reduce hair fall in no time.

More so, practicing yoga, meditation, and gym can help you sweat off all the toxicities from your body. But remember, you must not let sweat accumulate on your hair scalp, as it can lead to hair fall too. Go ahead and try out all the tips given above to get stronger, healthier, and shinier tresses. But if you see that your hair is still shedding immensely, consult your doctor at the earliest. You might have other health issues that are causing your hair to fall.