Rose Water Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Beauty Routine

Rose water benefits

Distillation of rose petals with steam produces rose water. Rose water has a mild fragrance. As a result, many times it is used as an alternative to chemical-filled perfumes. Here, we will discuss the rose water benefits for skin, hair, and more.

Rose water has been used since ancient times. During the middle ages, there are traces of rose water being used for beauty. The use of rose water originated from Iran. Traditionally, it has been used for both cosmetic purposes and as a beverage. It offers potential health and beauty benefits that we will discuss here.

Rose water benefits for skin

Rose water is a natural product and it works as a boon to give you great skin. We will go through in details about the advantages of using this ingredient in our daily lives:

Soothing skin irritation

Rose water is a strong anti-inflammatory product and that adds to most of its benefits. Due of this property, it can treat multiple ailments, in both ways, externally as well as internally. For example, it may help soothe skin conditions as grave as rosacea or eczema.

Reduction of skin redness

It is no surprise to us that rose water improves the complexion of your skin and reduces redness. It contains antibacterial properties that helps reduce acne. Even the anti-inflammatory properties in rose water reduce dark circles, skin redness, and puffiness.

Prevention and Treatment of infections

Powerful antiseptic properties in rose water help in the prevention and treatment of infections. Since it consists of these properties, rose water is included in the various treatments, which are both natural and medicinal. According to the Trusted Source, a study proved rose water to treat conjunctivitis. It was used as eye drops because of its antiseptic and analgesic properties and that helped treat the ophthalmic disease.

Helps in healing cuts, burns, and scars

The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of rose water heal wounds rapidly. It helps in cleaning and fights off the infections that occur due to cuts or burns. Hence, rose water benefits reflect through healing cuts, scars, burns, and more.

Contains anti-aging properties

Rose water is a major component in the manufacturing of cosmetic products that reduce wrinkles. The reason it is used is that it has anti-aging properties. The application of these beauty products soothes irritated skin and also the appearance of wrinkles when it is applied externally.

Rose water benefits for hair

Almost everyone has a greater familiarity with the benefits of rose water for skin. But not many are aware of the usage of rose water for our tresses. By including it in the beauty regime, the product will nourish our hair making it thicker and shinier. Here’s where we can find out some rose water benefits for hair.

Do you know how much rose water is exactly beneficial for your hair? Let us find out!

Reduction of oily scalp by rose water

If your scalp has excessive sebaceous glands then it produces an extra amount of oil making your hair and head oily or greasy. The pH levels in rose water are a little acidic making it appropriate for the of reduction oil levels in the hair, hence, nourishing it.

Dryness reduction by rose water

By moisturizing your scalp with rose water, you can reduce dry and frizzy hair. It can also soothe your scalp from the pollution and heat that we are surrounded in. A simple yet natural trick of rehydrating will also make your hair smooth and manageable.

Improvement of Damaged Hair

Hair stylings like blow-drying, curling or straightening are the major reasons for damaged hair. This accelerates the hair to lose the natural strength and luster it possesses. To increase the blood circulation of your scalp you need to rejuvenate the follicles. In order to do this, you have to massage your scalp with rose water. You can even try rinsing your hair after your shampooing is done. This will give your hair a soft and shiny look.

Improvement of hair growth

Vital vitamins like A, B3, E, and C are essential for hair growth. Fortunately, all these four vitamins are present in rose water. Providing your hair and scalp with nourishment, also encourages the growth of your hair.

Reduction of dandruff

How many anti-dandruff shampoos have you tried till now? If all of those treatments have been proven wrong, try using one of the most effective, economical and a natural remedy for dandruff. First, soak a handful of fenugreek seeds (commonly known as methi) in rose water for about 4-5hours. Then grind it into a fine paste and apply it on your scalp thoroughly. Leave it for about 20minutes, then wash your hair with a mild shampoo and rinse it with lukewarm water. In a few weeks, you will say a bye to dandruff.

DIY Haircare Recipes

Massaging your scalp with rose water is extremely beneficial. You can try it by just simply massaging it with the tip of your fingers or dabbing with a cotton ball onto your scalp. You could even try adding some other natural oils like almond, jojoba, rose or coconut to enhance the nourishment of your hair. By regularly repeating this, you will help in the process of blood circulation and strengthen the roots of your hair. This will also bring a shine to your tresses.

For Dry Hair: Glycerine & Rose water

Make a liquid solution in equal parts of rose water and glycerine and gradually massage the liquid on your hair and scalp. Leave it for about half an hour and wash it with a mild shampoo. For application, you could also use a hair spray bottle and mix the solution thoroughly.

Hair Mask with Rose Water, Eggs & Vinegar

Want to make a homemade shampoo or the perfect mask? Try beating up 3 eggs with vinegar and half cup of rose water. Leave it on for about 30minutes and wash your hair with a gentle shampoo. Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Use of Plain Organic Rose Water

In the advancing world, all of you might lack the time for the above home remedies. In that case, you could just simply rinse your hair properly with rose water or even make a solution out of plain water and rose water. Application of this should always be done after you have shampooed your hair. By frequently doing this at periodic intervals you would provide nourishment and moisturization to your tresses. Likewise, it will also control dandruff and minimize oil secretion.

Things to keep in mind

Despite the fact that rose water is not known to cause any harm or side-effects, it is always best to be sure if you are allergic to it or not. In order to do that you could try using it out in small portions of your hair to see if it causes any allergies to you. Here are some other important things to get their best results:

  • The rose water that is made by using steam distillation is the authentic rose water. It is best to handpick this kind of rose water for miraculous results.
  • If you want to prevent using chemicals, then choose the rose water that is free from sulfur, paraben and any other toxins.
  • Always keep a note of that the more the purest form of rose water the lesser is its shelf-life, unlike laboratory-produced rose water.

We would certainly hope that you would try out these easy DIY recipes and hair-care hacks. Definitely go ahead and let us know how you used rose water and what you thought of it. Do leave us a comment in the comment section below!

Rose water benefits for eyes

As we have already discussed, about what benefits rose water gives your skin and hair. We will now see how it acts as a phenomenal liquid for your eyes. Surprised? Go through the points given below to get a well-informed knowledge.

Rose water soothes your eyes

The flower rose (petals and hips) consists of anthocyanins, flavonoids and also terpenes. Roses are also rich in phenolic compounds that free radical scavenging, contains anti-inflammatory and antidepressant properties. So, the application of rose water to your eyes gives them a soothing effect.

Soothing of skin irritation

The presence of tannins and anthocyanins gives rose extracts or even rose water it’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This might help you in soothing multiple skin irritations, making it one of the most significant benefits.

Reduces Skin Redness

Rose water improves the complexion of your skin tone and helps in reducing redness. Since it has the anti-inflammatory properties it gives a calming effect to your skin when applied. Hence, reducing skin redness.

Prevention of Cell Damage

Rose petals and rose water consists of numerous powerful antioxidants and scavenges free-radical compounds (also known as phenolic compounds). This may help in the prevention of damaging cells around your eyes.

Anti-aging benefits

Rose water consists of anti-oxidants which are extremely fruitful to aging or dry skin. With the help of applying rose water all around your eye area, the rate of skin cells will improve.  Consequently, dealing with laughter and fine lines, even other significate signs of aging.

Helps in Lightening Dark Circles

Apparently, dark circles appear on dull and tired eyes. This can be lightened by the application of rose water.

Beneficial as an Eye Wash

Rose water has been used by numerous people to soothe the irritation or tiredness in the eyes. Prolonged hours of working in front of a digital screen puts a lot of pressure on the eyes. For instant relief and relaxation to your eyes, you could either spray rose water around your eye area or apply it with the help of a cotton pad.

Helps in Removal of Dust Particles from Eyes

Have you had countless attempts to remove dust particles from your eyes by just splashing water to it? Here’s a simple way to remove it. Pour a few drops of rose water in your eyes while you’re in a reclining position. Apply slight pressure on your eyelids while they are closed. In a few seconds, you will see the dust particle to roll down your cheeks with your tears.

Caution: In this case, commercially purchased rose water should refrain from usage. Consultation of a doctor should be taken while using pure rose extracts also.

Healing of Wounds

Antibacterial and Antiseptic being the major components of rose water, increases the probability to help in healing wounds. Since ancient times, women have been using rose water to heal wounds. It is believed that even now, infection or wound in and around your eyes can be healed just by applying the phenomenal rose water.

Enhancement and Relaxation Boosting of your Mood

After an exhausting day at work, you could tranquilize yourself by just dipping some cotton pads in chilled rose water and leaving it on your eyes for a few minutes. Besides the cooling effect, the fragrance gives you relaxation and refreshment. Apart from the multiple properties of rose water, the fragrance of rose petals calms down the central nervous system. This is also known as an anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effect.

DIY Eyecare Remedies

Want to try out some home remedies? Would you spare a minute or two? Here are a few home remedies that are easy to make and use. Try them out to make your eye area skin soft and healthy.

Dark Circle Removal

Take a bowl and make a mixture of two tablespoons of rose water and cold milk. Soak the two cotton pads in the solution and gently place them on your eyes. After about 20-25 minutes remove them and wash your eyes with water.

For an Eye Wash

Make a solution, with a proportion of two teaspoons of rose water and two cups of cold water. Whilst keeping your eyes closed, splash the solution. Either pat dry your eyes using a towel or let it dry off gradually.

To Remove Dust Particles from Eye

With the help of a dropper put one or two drops in the eye that is affected or both eyes if required. Keep your eyes closed and slightly press the eyelids to help the removal of the dust particle.

Note: Consult a doctor before trying the above remedy.

To Provide Calmness to Tired and Burning Eyes

Take a zip-lock bag and put in two cotton pads dipped in rose water. Keep them in the refrigerator for about 10minutes. Gently place them on your eyes and leave it for another 10minutes, then remove them.

Brightening the Area of the Eye

Make a paste with one teaspoon of sandalwood powder and rose water. Gently apply this around your eyes. Be cautious of the paste getting into your eyes. Allow it to dry for 10 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

Moisturizing The Eye Area

In a bowl, mix half a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of rose water. Soak the two cotton pads in the mixture and keep them on your eyes for about 30mintues. After removing the cotton pads, massage the area gently and then wash it off.

Relaxation for your Eyes

With the help of a cotton pad, apply rose water around the eyes. It should dry up in a minute or two. Gently place two sliced cucumbers on your eyes and leave them for 20minutes. After the removal of the cucumber slices, do not rinse your eyes.

Treatment of Eye Puffiness

Make a solution of rose water and glycerine and apply it around the eye area just before you sleep. Keep it all night and wash it off the next morning.

To prevent Dryness around the Eye Area

Make a mixture out of one teaspoon of aloe vera gel with a teaspoon of rosewater and dip two cotton pads in it. Place the cotton pads on your eyes and leave them for 20minutes. This prevents dryness around the eyes.

Reduction of Tiredness in the Eyes

Take a handful of almonds and soak them in water overnight. Make a paste out of it the next day and mix some rose water to it. Apply this paste around your eyes and eyelids. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and wash it off with cold water.

Home remedies do not provide you with an immediate outcome. But, by doing these remedies at regular intervals, it will help to keep your extremely delicate eye area healthy and hydrated.